Featuring the 6ft column rental aquarium from Aqualease

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odios un dignissimos ducimus qui blan prasixer esentium voluptatum un deleniti atqueste sites excep turiitate non providentsim .. At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odios un dignissimos ducimus qui blan prasixer esentium voluptatum un deleniti atqueste sites excep turiitate non providentsim .. At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odios un dignissimos ducimus qui blan prasixer esentium voluptatum un deleniti atqueste sites excep turiitate non providentsim .. At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odios un dignissimos ducimus qui blan prasixer esentium voluptatum un deleniti atqueste sites excep turiitate non providentsim ..

Pick a Colour!

black gray white green

red yellow purpel blue

Colour Choices

Please do select your preferred colour choice in the swatches below from our standard colour ranges.If you’re prefer a different colour to match your interior , we have an excellent optional extra service . Also if you would like your logo to be branded on the aquarium this is another optional extra service we can provide.

Choose Your Fish!



Volume capacity 275L
Weight when full 325kg
Dimensions(cm) 49W x 183H

Share with your friend or colleque

If you think your friend or colleague would be interested in this aquarium please do share it with them. If they sign up for a rental contract you will both get £30 Marks & Spencer vouchers!.


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Do you have a question about this aquarium?

If you have a question about this aquarium we are here to help. Please submit your question below and one of our experience trained technicians will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your interest in Aqualease Aquarium rentals.

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